Sep 152022

There is a wildly popular podcast out there by Bailey Sarian. It’s called “Murder, Mystery & Makeup.” Basically, Bailey puts on her stunning makeup while she tells the story of a spectacular murder case. She always signs off with “MAKE GOOD CHOICES.” It’s good advice but, many times, not so easy to do. Choices can be tough. What is a choice? Basically, it means you have to make a decision. UGH But it also means you aren’t stuck. If there’s a choice, there’s an alternative. You get to choose.


Here’s an example of a choice.  What you wear and how you wear it is creating an optical illusion about how you look. So. . . I’m short and dumpy. NOT downing myself. It’s just true. I have very short legs and a long body. Due to over 30 abdominal surgeries, I also have this jihugic gut I love to call Jabba, as in Jabba the Gut. 😎 Some call it a FUPA. I just call it Jabba. This thing is very hard to hide, so I had to make the CHOICE to either (1) wear long baggy stuff to hide Jabba or (2) say the hell with it and make a choice that makes my legs look more balanced with the rest of me. Choice No. 1 hides him, but it also makes me look frumpy & dumpy. It’s too much fabric for me. I’m barely 5′ tall on a good day. So I choose Option No. 2, which is to wear shorter tops to make my legs look longer. Does that mean Jabba really shows out on occasion? Sure does! I get many private messages when I post pics telling me how I can hide my gut. Yep, I know all that. But I made a choice. I’m happy with it.

How Do You Choose?

That’s personal. But. . . you have to weigh what’s most important to you against what you think you SHOULD do. Do you know how much I hate that word SHOULD? I have lived my life doing what I was told to do or what I SHOULD do or what others think is the way I SHOULD go. ME was always discounted. I always thought I was an independent woman, but I listened to others way too much. And it hurt. Why? Because I went against what I knew was best for me. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but you know you better than anyone else. So. . . how do you choose?

I’m big on lists. So I lay down what I THINK I should do on one side of the page and then what I WANT to do on the other. And then I attempt to balance the two. The difference now vs. then is that I put more weight on what I WANT to do these days.

But What If I Make The Wrong Choice?

I make wrong choices all the time. But you know what? In most cases they aren’t permanent. In the above example, if I decide that short top looks horrid on me and I no longer want to wear it, it goes in a donation bag and I get a longer shirt. No biggie. It’s like a goal. You can always modify and choose again. Even something as semi-permanent as moving because you don’t like where you are. When your lease is up, pack up and go. Sell that house if you made a buying mistake. You always have a choice. If it’s wrong, change it. If it’s not exactly wrong but you’re not happy, modify it.

And In The End

When I was a younger lass I selected an option and ran with it. Not a good one? I would change it or modify it. No problem. Now in my older years I’m the undisputed Queen 👑 of Overthinking. I have to run through every possible consequence that will come from any choice I finally make. It drives me nuts. So. . . I’m back to trying to be like the younger me. Make a choice and run with it. Because. . .

You basically have two choices. You either do it or you don’t. Make good choices.

I heard this song quite by accident and. . . it fits!!!! Or should I have chosen another one? 😉

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